The Inspiration behind the My Little Eagle Headset Colors
The colors of the My Little Eagle aviation headsets were carefully chosen to capture the imagination of young aviation enthusiasts and get them excited about flying.
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What is a flight plan? Should you file a flight Plan for you next flight?
Filing a flight plan is essential for ensuring the safety of the aircraft, its occupants, and other airspace users.
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Switching between Mono and Stereo mode on Hobbs Flyer H2 Headset
Change your the Hobbs Flyer Aviation Headset to Stereo or Mono modes for the best audio quality and flying experience.
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How to Activate Auto shut off on Hobbs Flyer H2 Active Aviation Headset
The H2 ANR conserves battery by shutting itself off if no signal is received over a period of time. Turning off the Auto-shutoff function will prevent the ANR function from automatically turning off after a set time.
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How to Replace a Bose X (A10) Aviation Headset Microphone
We have expanded our support for the Bose X by developing replacement parts for it so that pilots can continue to use and get more life out of their headset.
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How to Replace The Earcup Holder Bracket on a Bose X Aviation Headset
Replace your broken or cracked Bose aviation headset earcup holder bracket (yoke) in 4 easy steps and get back to flying in no time.
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Should you request VFR flight following on your next flight?
VFR flight following is a real-time radar traffic monitoring service provided by ATC. It is like having a another set of eyes in the sky looking out for you as you fly.
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My Little Eagle: The best youth Aviation Headset for kids
The My Little Eagle headset is the ability to control the microphone volume and turn the headset into listen-only mode. Something that you can't typically do on other headsets.
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Why We Love Girls In Aviation Day Twin Cities
GAID is geared toward educating and inspiring young girls to discover the adventurous world of aviation. Since its inception in 2015, this annual event has grown every year and it is now a worldwide event.
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Thanks for a Great AirVenture!
Thanks to all of our friends, fans, customers, and supporters who took the time to stop by our booth to say hello. We are incredibly grateful and humbled by the support and encouragement that we received from all of you.
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Hobbs Flyer Will be at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh '22
Hobbs Flyer will be at the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh on July 25 to July 31, 2022. Come visit booth 1097 in hangar A. Come grab some free swag and check out the Insanely Comfortable Hobbs Flyer H2 Active and Hobbs Flyer H2 Passive aviation headsets.
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Hobbs Flyer H2 Active Review - here is why pilots love it
In my 10+ years as a private pilot, I have personally flown with pretty much every headset on the market. some of the headsets that I have personally owned and flown with include Sigtronics S-20, David Clark H10-13.4, David Clark One-X, Telex Echelon, Bose Aviation Headset X, Bose A20.
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